
Blog : Lineages and freedom

  Feb 06, 2021         1412

Lineages and freedom

Each of us comes from a biological father and a biological mother. Therefore, we are all a kind of fusion of the two consciousnesses that allowed us to incarnate, being themselves in the same configuration.

Whether you are aware of it or not, whether you want it or not, your consciousness executes the programs and lives under the restriction of your lineages. Your thoughts, your choices, your actions and the way you see your life are thus limited by the invisible matrix created especially by the program of your ancestors, and it is impossible for you to see things according to other filters.

The legacy contains, therefore, all the unexpressed and unresolved memories of the time. For example, the fact that one of your ancestors has been stolen, cheated or disowned is enough to create for you, here and now, events or physical symptoms and behaviors, the purpose of which is to make you aware that something is not flowing.

Just understand : Being in opposition to a personality trait of one of your parents leads to non-acceptance of a part of yourself, and thus creates an adaptive system.

So, the great principle is to work on the unconditional acceptance of your origins: to release each memory in order to fully accept yourself, thus leaving the timeline that repeats itself inexorably. Each released element logically benefits all the ascendants and descendants. Observe your life and its shortcomings, all the keys are within you, even if most of them remain inaccessible to your understanding and cannot be solved by the simple action of the mind.