
Blog : Back to basics

  Apr 24, 2021         814

Back to basics

Economically developed societies are based on consumption. Yet, are you happier by consuming more? A well-tried marketing leads you into the illusion that to be is to have. This collective hypnosis ultimately makes you a slave to this way of life by isolating you from life itself.

This year we have been through may have made you realize that the essence of life is not there. It may have highlighted that great emptiness that could not be filled because of the closed shops, that emptiness that is usually filled by the immediate pleasure of the new object bought, as soon as it becomes obsolete without interest, immediately pushing us to the search for another temporary quick pleasure. This is an endless escape system, and it is not the only one. As soon as one of your behaviors becomes compulsive, repetitive or performance oriented, it is a mechanism that takes you away from who you are. Always more sports, and more performance... Always more TV shows and video games...

Are you afraid of yourself? What do you not like about yourself? Do you find it boring to just be with yourself? It is easier to look for the solution in escape than to look for the solution deep inside: Where does your inner emptiness come from? Most of us are at least partially cut off from our basic essence and remain hypnotized by the frantic rythm of life and its palliatives.

In some less-developed countries, little is needed to be happy:
- physical needs: eating, breathing, drinking, sleeping
- need for security: having a roof over one's head, a minimum of comfort and tranquility
- need for interaction: conviviality, friends
- need for a purpose: to be useful and recognized

What is important to you? The unlimited excessive consumption made necessary by the economic machine that has itself imposed it on a limited set of resources will sooner or later come to an end. It is an illusion to believe that our world will always be the one we know.