
Blog : A fear, and rationality is lost...

  Mar 12, 2021         1071

A fear, and rationality is lost...

Fear is a well-known human emotion that can be experienced throughout life. The brain signals a situation of danger.

It may be an imminent danger that compromises a survival process. The reptilian brain then reacts with two main possible actions: to flee or to fight. From a chemical point of view, this leads to an important production of hormones, which allows to mobilize all the available forces of the organism (muscles, cardiorespiratory, hypervigilance) to ensure its survival. The reflex action allowing survival will bring the body back to its normal chemical state and the process will stop.

Fear is often confused with anxiety. The latter is a type of fear created by the illusion of danger, imagined from real circumstances that the mind projects. It is always a hypothetical danger that may never occur. These forms of fear are very varied, we have for example the fear of being sick, the fear of being abandoned, the fear of failure, the fear of being excluded.... The problem with this type of fear is that it will generate the same chemical process as before, without returning to the balance of the body, since the only actions are limited to the mind and the turning of the problem in all directions.

Things get more complicated when the emotional state persists or is repeated over time. A kind of hypnosis will be created and thus limit any rationality that can go as far as an alteration of discernment, your choices become more than confused and can even create actions against your own interest. Your decisions may be the opposite of those you would have made under normal circumstances.

Some advice : Be careful to avoid the process becoming too entrenched. It is necessary to try to rationalize by raising the real data of the problem. It is necessary to work on these fears through energetic techniques, hypnosis or others to update the library of conscious or unconscious traumas recorded throughout life. Maintaining ourselves aligned with our own consciousness allows us to stay out of the reach of manipulation from ourselves or from the outside.